
Much (Unnecessary) Ado to Execute a Warrant

Residents of New York City should question whether the NYPD is spending their tax dollars wisely. A woman who had been severely beaten was discovered outside a Hell's Angels Clubhouse in the East Village. Witnesses said she was thrown out of the building, so the police obtained a warrant to search for evidence of an assault. So far, so good, but before knocking and seeking entry, the police assembled a "heavily armed Emergency Service Unit."

Police helicopters circled overhead, sharpshooters were stationed on nearby roofs and officers were armed for a siege ... After several hours, as police prepared to raid the club, a Hells Angels official arrived, examined the warrant and invited them inside.

An attorney for the Hells Angels said police overreacted. "The helicopters, the SWAT teams, the boys and all the toys, the armored personnel carrier -- I think it's a little much," said Ron Kuby, the attorney.

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    They bought the toys.... (none / 0) (#1)
    by kdog on Tue Jan 30, 2007 at 01:52:44 PM EST
    on the taxpayers dime...so I guess the NYPD figures they better well use them, or else their budget might shrink.

    Or the NYPD is deathly afraid of a bunch of bikers.

    Only semi-rational explanations I can think of for such an excessive display of force.
