Taking The Bait II: "Level Headed" Left Bloggers Focus On Iran, Not Iraq
Ed Kilgore responds to my take on Iraq/Iran priorities:
I see no particular evidence that congressional Dems are folding their tents on Iraq. . . . As for the initial question of how progressive bloggers should think about these tangled questions, I don't quite see how worrying about a new war keeps anyone from stopping the old one . . . So let a few bloggers try to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Today, the level headed blogger at TPM says:
The 'surge' and the accompanying political jousting surrounding it is important. But it pales in importance compared to the possibility of drifting or getting gamed into a shooting war with Iran. This is what Congress really needs to get on top of right now.
You were saying Ed? Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi said:
And [Pelosi] told lawmakers that "if it appears likely that Bush wants to take the country to war against Iran, the House would take up a bill to deny him the authority to do so," the Post quoted Pelosi spokesman Brendan Daly as saying.
At least Tom Vilsack has his priorities straight. Because our level headed bloggers have taken the bait.
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