McNulty to Resign From DOJ
Justice Department insiders use the term "freefall" to describe the agency's present state. Falling today is Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty.
McNulty, who has served 18 months as the Justice Department's second-in-command, announced his plans [to reisgn] at a closed-door meeting of U.S. attorneys in San Antonio. He told them he would remain at the department until late summer or until the Senate approves a successor, aides said. ...McNulty has been considering leaving for months, and aides said he never intended to serve more than two years as deputy attorney general. But his ultimate decision to step down, the aides said, was hastened by anger at being linked to the prosecutors' purge that Congress is investigating to determine if eight U.S. attorneys were fired for political reasons. ... McNulty also irked Gonzales by testifying in February that at least one of the fired prosecutors was ordered to make way for a protege of Karl Rove, President Bush's chief political adviser.
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