Until September
The backdrop of today's vote of the GOP/Blue Dog Iraq Supplemental Alternative, is the Beltway delusion that come September, as Greenwald outlines:
The single greatest and most transparent delusion in our public discourse right now -- and that is a distinction for which there is always an intense competition -- is that Something Weighty and Significant is Going to Happen In September with regard to the Iraq War.September, you see, is the real turning point, the real Day of Reckoning. . . . That is the read deadline for George W. Bush.
. . . But all that is going to happen In September is that we are going to await with baited breath for General David Petraeus -- he of infallible wisdom, judgment and honesty, and unquestionable objectivity -- to descend upon Washington and reveal whether there is Real Progress being made (by him) in Iraq.
. . . And, needless to say, General Petraeus will, cautiously though emphatically, declare that progress is being made, though there is much work that remains to be done. And therefore we must redouble our resolve and stay until The Job is Done.
Well my friends, if Democrats REALLY BELIEVE this September nonsense, then we are doomed. Greenwald says "The central unyielding truth in our political landscape is that -- no matter what -- the War in Iraq is not going to end before the end of the Bush presidency." If that is true, then we will be debating Iraq in 2010, and likely 2012 as well. Democratic or Republican, the next President will not want to "lose Iraq."
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