Paris Hilton Sentenced to 45 Days in Jail

The Judge was hard on Paris Hilton today, sentencing her to 45 days in the L.A. County Jail for violating probation by driving while her license was suspended.
Hilton had been serving 36 months of probation after pleading no contest to a charge of alcohol-related reckless driving related to her Sept. 7 arrest in Hollywood. She also had been fined $1,500.
Paris' defense was a little weak -- she said her aides hadn't told her about the driving restriction.
Still, 45 days is stiff.
Her mother's reaction:
Hilton appeared stunned by the ruling and began to cry. Hilton's mother also began to show her displeasure visibly, shaking her head -- and had be warned by a court official to stop....
....Her mother, Kathy, told the prosecutor after the judge's decision: "You're pathetic."
Did Paris get a stiffer sentence because she's a celebrity?
Having spent all day in a county jail visiting clients denied bond in federal cases, I can tell you it's no walk in the park. And I bet the LA County Jail is a nightmare by comparison.
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