Tag: Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton is tweeting up a storm about how much she loves Bali. It's her first visit. She tweeted a few hours ago, "Make a wish. 11.1l.11"
Since I've stood up for Paris on TalkLeft so many times during her various legal difficulties, I thought I'd ask her a favor. I tweeted her in reply:
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Update: Paris has left Japan.
Do celebrities get harsher treatment than others? With respect to Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, it seems that way to me.
The ink wasn't even dry on Paris Hilton's plea and sentencing documents when she flew from Las Vegas to Tokyo for legitimate and lucrative business reasons. Yet she was denied entry into Japan and told to wait at an airport hotel. She's now been asked to wait another day, while Japanese officials make up their mind whether to allow her entry. The two reasons I've seen given: They don't allow people on probation or people with drug offenses to visit Japan.
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I've been out all day and am just getting to the day's news. Did anyone watch Bristol Palin on DWTS? How did she do?
The Justice Department has asked the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals for en banc review of its decision holding a warrant is required for GPS surveillance. In August, a 3 judge panel reversed a conviction and life sentence in a drug case because the defendant was tracked through a GPS device installed on his car without a warrant. The earlier opinion is here.
Paris Hilton was placed on a year's unsupervised probation on two misdemeanors today. The judge gave her a strong warning: [More...]
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On Monday, Paris Hilton will plead guilty to two misdemeanors to settle her Las Vegas felony cocaine possession charge.
It's a very harsh deal. She's agreeing to two suspended six month jail sentences, a year of unsupervised probation, and if she merely gets arrested (no conviction required) for anything other than a minor traffic offense, she agrees to immediately go in and serve the year.
The complaint against her will be amended to add a charge of obstruction of a police officer. The factual basis? She lied when she told the arresting officer that the Chanel purse she was carrying (that had less than a gram of cocaine inside it) did not belong to her. How do police know that was a lie? Because she posted a Twitpic of the purse on her Twitter feed a few weeks before the arrest with the caption, "Love My New Chanel Purse I Got Today." [More...]
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Paris Hilton has been charged with possession of cocaine. The complaint and police report are here. The Las Vegas Review Journal recounts events.
The prior statements of police to the media are detailed here. The official report contains yet another version of how the police found cocaine inside her purse. [More...]
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Already the media pundits are predicting "hard time" for Paris Hilton after last night's arrest in Las Vegas on a cocaine possession charge.
I doubt it. First off, while possession of cocaine is a class E felony in Nevada, the statute mandates probation except in certain instances, and Paris doesn't fit any of the exceptions. Nevada, like most states, also has deferred sentencing for those who are guilty of such offenses, allowing them to end up without a permanent conviction on their record.
Paris' prior conviction in CA was for alcohol-related reckless driving, a misdemeanor. She's no longer on probation. [More...]
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The LA Times reports that the feds are investigating LA City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo and his wife. The lengthy article doesn't mention that Rocky Delgadillo was the city attorney who insisted on hammering Paris Hilton, notwithstanding parallel conduct by his wife. But I did back when Paris was in the news:
Paris was sentenced for a probation violation for driving under suspension while on probation. Mrs. Delgadillo also drove under suspension and committed a traffic offense while doing so. She was not charged with driving under suspension, only the traffic offense, and was fined $186.00.
Paris got 23 days in jail for driving under suspension which was a violation of her probation. She wasn't charged or convicted of any traffic offense-- or of drunk driving-- on that occasion. She didn't cause an accident. Her only drunk driving charge was the one that led to her original term of probation. As I wrote here: [More...]
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Go Paris! Here's the video TChris mentioned earlier.
Paris responds to John McCain's using her in a celebrity ad. Shorter version: She's got her own energy plan and she'll see us in the White House.Update: The video has been removed from You Tube and substituted with the above censored version that blanks out the word "b*tches.
I like Paris Hilton. I defended her plenty on TalkLeft during her last brush with the law. (Scroll down for the almost daily posts on the raw deal she got. I even live-blogged her court hearings. Graphic here. )
This is an open thread.
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They must drink funny water in L.A. I don't get them. Paris Hilton gets 45 days for violating probation by driving with a suspended license (even though there was no alcohol involved in the probation violation and yes I know that she was put on probation for an alcohol-related reckless driving charge) while Lindsay Lohan gets 1 day in jail for all this:
She pleaded guilty to two counts of being under the influence of cocaine; no contest to two counts of driving with a blood-alcohol level above .08 percent and one count of reckless driving. Two counts of driving under the influence were dropped.
Lohan had two arrests for drunk driving, one in May, in which she crashed her car and fled the scene, and the other in July, shortly after getting out of rehab.
The D.A. says:
"She's getting what everyone else would get," Deputy District Attorney Danette Meyers said after an hourlong hearing in Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge H. Chester Horn Jr.'s courtroom.
I guess she means everyone except Paris.
To be clear, I don't think Lohan should have gotten more time, I'm complaining again that Paris Hilton got too much time.
Update: Thanks to Squeaky in the comments for adding that Nicole Richie served only 82 minutes of her four day sentence.
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Paris Hilton was on Larry King Live for the entire hour tonight describing her three weeks in jail. She exhibited both grace and humility. She seemed genuine to me. There was no self-pity.
She's clearly struggling to find herself and seems determined to have something positive come out of the experience.
I doubt it's easy for anyone to go in front of millions of people and describe her fears and psychological disabilities or to describe something as humilitating as being strip-searched.
Interesting: Paris denies ever taking illegal drugs. She says she doesn't have a drinking problem. She has ADD and takes Adderall. Her parents don't support her financially, she describes herself as a businesswoman with her own successful businesses.
I'm sure there will be a million comments on the internet in the wake of tonight's interview tearing her down. I give Paris a lot of credit.
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Paris Hilton looks none the worse for the wear of three weeks in jail. As TMZ notes, she looks....refreshed.
I don't think the news will be all Paris, all the time tonight. ABC and NBC decided not to do exclusive post-jail interviews after unconfirmed reports that the networks would pay big bucks for the rights to photos from the Hilton family. Instead, Larry King Live will get the "honors."
As for the length of her sentence, as the LA Times reports:
An examination by The Times of seven years worth of sentencing data showed that Hilton's 23-day jail stay was more than five times the average than served since 2002 by those serving time for similar charges.
Meanwhile, the allegations against the City Attorney who asked for her jail sentence and his wife (who drove with a suspended license and no insurance but avoided jail even after being in an accident) continue raise questions about "fairness and hypocrisy" in the LA criminal justice system:
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You may not care about Paris Hilton and her 23 day jail sentence, but I care about hypocrisy in the criminal justice system.
The L.A. Times reports:
[Los Angeles City Atty. Rocky] Delgadillo had argued that the hotel heiress should spend more time in jail for driving with a suspended license and violating her probation on alcohol-related reckless driving charges. Later that day, Delgadillo acknowledged in response to inquiries from reporters that his wife had been ticketed for failing to obey a right-turn-only sign while driving her personal car with a suspended license in 2005.
Paris was sentenced for a probation violation for driving under suspension while on probation. Mrs. Delgadillo also drove under suspension and committed a traffic offense while doing so. She was not charged with driving under suspension, only the traffic offense, and was fined $186.00.
Mrs. Delgadillo was under suspension for causing a traffic accident and not having insurance. According to California law, the penalty for driving under suspension is a fine between $5,000 and $25,000.00. She also failed to file an accident report.
There's more....
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