Democratic Contenders At Trial Lawyers Meeting Bash Bush, Gonzales and Supreme Court Decisons
A major trial lawyers group held its annual meeting this week. Most of the major Democratic presidential contenders were in attendance, including Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Joe Biden and Bill Richardson. They had sharp criticism for Alberto Gonzales and recent decisions the Supreme Court. Some quotes:
Hillary called Bush an extremist:
"I would argue that his is the most radical presidency we've ever had in our country's history," she said.
We want a president who will defend civil justice but we have one who is only listening to Alberto Gonzales justice.....People are tired of Scooter Libby justice."
Bill Richardson (the only non-lawyer amond the candidates):
"I will appoint someone who I will direct and say: 'You will be an attorney general for the people. I don't want to even see you talking to the political arm of the White House staff.'"
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