How Low Will Rudy Go?
The latest low mark for the Rudy campaign - sending out reps to say that the first responders do not know who attacked us on 9/11:
A former deputy mayor, Joe Lhota, said the critics are politically motivated and wrong. "They're taking their anger out in the wrong direction," Lhota said. "He was literally there four and five times a day; he did anything but run away. "They're losing sight of the fact that this country, and this city, was attacked on that day by terrorists; it's their fault."
Rudy failed the first responders and New York City with his incompetence on terrorism. If he is going to campaign on the murder by the evil bin Laden of 3000 Americans, then his incompetence must be discussed. As a commenter at TPM shrewdly notes, conservative Jay Cost has said that Rudy's is a bloody shirt campaign:
I am reminded of the politics of the post-bellum era - in which average-to-below-average Republicans in the North could be elected by "waving the bloody shirt," i.e. referencing their (seemingly) prominent roles in the Civil War to win the support of Northerners. . . . He is, in a certain sense, waving the bloody shirt of 9/11. Can the Republican Party refuse it?
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