
Little Rock Central High's 50th Anniversay of Integration

Today is the 50th Anniversary of the [forced] Integration of Little Rock's Central High. Streaming video starting at 10 am CT or earlier is available on the local ABC affiliate's website. It has been a topic of local news for more than a month, and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette has online (sub. req.) all of the newspapers from that time period. The former Arkansas Gazette won a Pulitzer for its reporting and editorials from that event. The weekly Arkansas Times with refuges from the Gazette has coverage as well.

It is a solemn occasion here, hardly a celebration in my view because of the black eye that 1957 created for this city thanks to former Gov. Orval Faubus, and all of the "Little Rock 9" are present. Their mentor, Daisy Gaston Bates, died years ago. Last night was a black tie dinner with former President Clinton, Jesse Jackson, and others in attendance. Five thousand seats are reserved for today, and we are wondering what national figures will show up.

Little Rock's Central High sits between 14th & 15th Streets and Park on two square blocks. 14th Street was changed to Daisy Gaston Bates Street many years ago. Without her keeping the students strong, it would never would have happened.

Central is now 70% black because of white flight into private schools. The city is about 27% black. That is a sore point in itself.

Suffice it to say that Central high has the greatest percentage of students going on to college of any public school in the state.

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