"We are in it for the long run."
She gives specifics and talks about issues, not just promises of hope and change.
"Tomorrow, we will get up, roll up our sleeves" and keep going.
"We came back tonight because you spoke loudly and clearly. You want this campaign to be about you. Because there is so much at stake for our country."
She thanks the New Hampshire team "that never faltered one minute." The crowd cheers wildly. She thanks the young people of New Hampshire who voted their hearts and their minds.
She says she respects the other Democratic candidates: Dodd and Biden, Richardson, Kucinich, Edwards and Obama.
She is "going out there with millions of people at my side who believe as I do that this country is worth fighting for. Thank you and G-d Bless You." Wild cheers.
Congratulations, Hillary -- and to the voters of New Hampshire, who moved past the most biased and unfair media coverage ever to vote their own minds.