Hillary Clinton on Larry King Live Tonight
Posted on Mon Apr 21, 2008 at 07:27:59 PM EST
Tags: Hillary Clinton (all tags)
Hillary Clinton will be on Larry King Live tonight. It begins in 30 minutes here, and I'll try to live-blog. She was also on Keith Olbermann -- that live thread is here.
Watching a clip now. She says Obama's campaign has gone negative in the past days but overall it's been a positive campaign. She would like nothing better than to keep the discussion on issues like the differences in their health care plans. She'll put a Republican or two in her cabinet and will make good use of Sen. McCain.
Show is about to start. I'll live blog it below.
7:00 pm: She's still in Harrisburg.
Americans say #1 problem is gas prices. Ha -- the first question is the same one Keith Olbermann asked: what can the President do about it? She tells the story of a trucker. Here's what she would do: She would investigate for price gouging and manipulation. She's release oil from strategic reserve. She'd consider a gas tax holiday -- if we could make it up elsewhere like with a windfall profit tax on oil companies.
The U.S. is going to
be serious about energy dependence. Attacks Bush and oil companies.
Question 2 -- the campaign ad using Osama's image. Obama says it's politics of fear, how does she respond? She gives answer about our wars and economy in crisis. Whoever we elect has to be ready. The President doesn't know what else what might be out there. She's ready to lead.
On the negativity of the campaign. Asks her about Robert Reich's switch to Obama over negative campaigning. Did it hurt her?
She says Reich hasn't followed campaign closely because there's been a lot of attack from other side. The press corps that follows her is bored because she only talks about policy. Again same answers as she gave on Olbermann. She contrasts their differing policies on health care and foreclosure crisis.
Viewer e-mail on negativity: She again talks about unfair mailings, calls and ads. Reminds him how she had to "call them out" on the misleading ads on her health care plan. So people who only see a snippet on tv may think it's negative, but the voters in the states where they compete see the bigger picture. She mentions Obama outspending her.
Commercial, so far almost the same as Olbermann. No laughter yet and she seems more relaxed.
New segment starts with a laugh over how long they've known each other. Question about divisiveness of campaign. Differences with them pale by comparison to diffs with Republicans.
She will do whatever she can to ensure we have a Dem in White House.
Question about McCain and who is better prepared? She refuses to say McCain is prepared. She says he has the wrong ideas. She says he will tout his credentials but she can go toe to toe with him on national security and the economy and other issues.
She and McCain are friends in the Senate. She enjoys his company. She respects him. But they are friends and will remain friends. She will reach out to Republicans. Her administration will be bi-partisan. We have a lot of repair work to do in the world.
She doesn't commit to putting Republicans in her cabinet. She says she'd take a long look at it.
Question about experience. Quotes Obama trashing her experience. Can she change a system she's been involved in for 20 years. Obama was in state senate 3 1/2 years ago while she was in U.S. Senate. She is about change. She's taken on the special interests. She took on health insurance companies 15 years ago with health care and since then. Gives example of veterans' health care benefits and mentions her other legislative accomplishments. She has unique experience. She's in her second term, re-elected by 67% of the vote because of her record.
I think that was her best answer so far. She got in her experience vs. Obama's and how silly his whole change meme is.
Question about phased re-deployment from Iraq. She stands by it. It's time to get out. Iraqis haven't stepped up. By our staying there, we are losing ground elsewhere in the world -- Afghanistan, Middle East, Latin America, China. We have to retake global leadership. Bush gave Iraqis a blank check. They have to know we're no longer going to be there for them. She will begin to withdraw troops within 60 days.
How will she do tomorrow? No predictions, she hopes to do well. Says Obama hasn't won any big state except his own. That's a big question -- the big states -- the electoral map.
He asks her if she'll leave race if she doesn't win big. She says the race is close, primaries to go through June...we haven't yet decided what to do with Fla. and Mich.
She's going right through June, until Fla. and Mich is resolved, until superdelegates make their assessment as to who will be the better candidate against McCain.
He asks if she's enjoyed this experience. She says yes and tells a story about a quadrapalegic who came to see her.
If she's not the nominee, she and Bill will campaign vigorously for Obama. Absolutely. she'll work her heart out.
He ends with saying Obama was invited to be on show and he declined because of scheduling. Hillary did great. Hope it got her some votes.
My first thought, which I had at last week's debate. That's twice now that she's said she'd campaign for Obama. I've never heard him say he would do that for her. Michelle Obama said she'd have to think about it. Hillary offered up both her and Bill. Who's the unity candidate? Not Obama.
Update: Post interview debate on it between DeDe Myers and Tony Snow (yes, he has joined CNN as politial analyst.) DeDe gave a great defense of Hillary -- it's worth watching the repeat of LKL later just for that. It started around 7:33 pm.
Tony Snow backs her up on her big state argument. He says a victory is a victory, the point spread doesn't matter. It's about electability, seating MI and FL and superdelegates.
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