You Think Wes Clark Might Be a Good Surrogate Right Now?
Wes Clark is promising to not go away:
A little over a month ago, following my appearance on Face the Nation, the right wing freak machine took me out of context, attacked me, and just wanted me to "hit the road."
Well, I'm here to tell you: I'm not going away.
Contribute to WesPAC's "Hit The Road Fund!" Help us raise $25,000 by this Friday. . . . Contirbute to Wes.
You think the former Suprene Allied Commander of NATO who won the Kosovo Conflict might be an effective Democratic surrogate just about now? Think he can speak to the issues in an authoritative way? You think he would be a strong voice for discussing the Democratic position on the Russia-Georgia conflict? You think Dems NEED him? I do.
By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only
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