Update: She forgot to mention, among all her husband's attributes, his membership in the Alaskan Independence Party.
I feel like I'm watching the Beverly Hilbillies. Jennie C. Reilly and the Harper and the Harper Valley PTA?
She didn't need focus groups before, but she's going to get ready for them quick.
I think these people have lost their minds.
An image of Condi Rice just flashed in my mind. What a contrast in competence. The American public won't buy this. Can you picture her meeting with the CIA? The U.N.? If she's the future as Rudy said, we're all in deep doo-doo.
It's surreal to hear her regurgitate the campaign's attacks on Obama. Does she really think anyone will believe her experience as mayor of TinyTown and 1/1/2 years as Governor compares? It's like she is performing in a high school play.
Ok, stick a fork in her, she's done. She just bashed Miranda rights. My gloves are going to come off.
She reminds me of Mary Hartman. Anyone remember Fernwood?