
Trigger > Federalist Public Option?

Many health reform advocates have objected to Federalist Public Option. From single payer advocates, nationwide robust public option advocates, even level playing field public option advocates, I see the logic of their arguments. But d-day offers (btw congrats d-day for the FDL gig) an objection to the Federalist Public Option that makes no sense to me - one that argues that a trigger is superior:

Nelson, a former state Insurance Commissioner in a state with a Republican legislature and Governor, probably understands that an opt out would mean that Florida gets bubkus. Obviously, his positive comments on the trigger mean he’s itching to sell out, but not in a way that would deny his constituents at least a fig leaf of a benefit. The politics of the opt-out haven’t been thought out entirely by supporters; in states like Florida it probably loses Democratic votes. [. . .] If the opt out doesn’t bring in additional votes and in fact loses some, I’m not sure why it’s being discussed as an option.

The idea that it loses votes is surmise. But certainly it makes no sense for health reform advocates to disfavor the Federalist Public Option in favor of toothless and empty triggers. Do not let triggers be a viable political alternative and Dems will get in line is my theory. But allow them to consider triggers as acceptable, and many will run to it. D-Day's thinking makes no sense to me.

Speaking for me only

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    These people have no idea what (5.00 / 3) (#3)
    by Anne on Mon Oct 12, 2009 at 09:45:14 PM EST
    they're doing; I can't remember the last issue that had so many people contorting themselves in so many ways just to avoid confronting the truth of what would be the right thing to do.

    I feel like we're all just trapped in some mad advertising/branding campaign and this is all about latching onto the perfect combination of words and labels, as opposed to developing the best policy.

    Whatever sells, wins.

    Take it one farther (5.00 / 1) (#5)
    by nycstray on Mon Oct 12, 2009 at 09:54:55 PM EST
    I was also thinking it felt kinda like a creative campaign mtg. Only the meeting has been crashed by salesmen and buyers etc that think they are creative.

    I think my all time favorite quote from one of those meetings early in my career was:

    We can't do that. It won't work, we've never tried it before.

    Followed by really bad idea from said buyer . . .

    I can't tell you how many have stopped by our mtgs to run an idea "up the flag pole" who are literally clueless but trying to figure out what will sell with their customer base. All they do is derail the process.

    And yes, I have years worth of dents in my forehead. And I'm really good at picking my jaw up off the floor quickly . . .


    To the degree directed at me (none / 0) (#4)
    by Big Tent Democrat on Mon Oct 12, 2009 at 09:49:21 PM EST
    I reject you charge. You can disagree with my thinking, but I think I have been pretty clear in explaining my thinking and it has been consistent in approach. I may be wrong, but my logic has been consistent throughout.

    If not directed at me, then never mind.


    For the record, my comments were in no (5.00 / 1) (#6)
    by Anne on Mon Oct 12, 2009 at 09:56:15 PM EST
    way directed at you. You have been consistent, and I understand where you're coming from; we come at this differently, but I think our goal is really the same.

    I totally understand your thinking, but I am so incredibly frustrated at the entire process that it just makes me crazy.

