Ricci And What The Obama Administration Can Do
I've written below urging the Congress to act to overturn the SCOTUS' judicial lawmaking in Ricci. The National Women's Law Center notes that the Obama Administration can also act. NWLC President Marcia Greenberger said, in part:
[W]hile today’s ruling diminishes employers’ ability to comply with anti-discrimination law, it does leave the door open for employers to act responsibly. As the Court recognized, employers are still obligated to take steps to remove both intentional discrimination and unjustified practices that adversely impact individuals based on their sex, race, national origin or religion. We call on the Obama Administration to issue guidance for employers on how to ensure that they offer fair promotional and job entry exams.”
(Emphasis supplied.) Good thinking from the NWLC. The Obama Administration also has a significant role it can play to dampen the effects of Ricci.
Speaking for me only
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