
If The House Votes For The Stand Alone Senate Health Bill

If and when the House votes for the Stand Alone Senate bill, and as what seems at least a strong possibility, the Senate reneges on a reconciliation bill, House Dems will have to explain why they voted for:

(a) The Cornhusker Kickback;

(b)the Louisiana Purchase: and

(c) the excise tax.

They'll get to explain to their progressive base how they got the public option, Medicare buy-in, better affordability credits, um, how they got . . . nothing. Good luck with that in November House Dems.

Speaking for me only

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    How's this for commitment from (5.00 / 2) (#1)
    by MO Blue on Tue Mar 02, 2010 at 03:21:07 PM EST
    the Senate:

    If it does act first, the only reassurance the House would get is Harry Reid's personal vow:

    As part of this step, there are reports that House leaders want to see a letter signed by at least 50 Senate Democrats committing to passing tweaks to the Senate bill worked out between the two chambers, but a Democratic policy consultant says such a letter is unlikely to transpire. More likely, th