Kagan Recap
Elena Kagan's expressed views are sparse. She has a lot of answers to provide. But since we pretty much knew she would be the nominee a while ago, we wrote about the few issues where her views and/or conduct were known. First, I wrote a lengthy post extolling Kagan's law review article on executive power as an exercise in scholarly excellence and progressivism. Second, I wrote a critique of her hiring actions as Dean of Harvard Law School. Third, I discussed Kagan's views on preventive detention (they are similar to my own, which are not progressive.)
Here is Jeralyn's take on the announcement of Kagan as SCOTUS nominee.
The story of Elena Kagan's legal views remains to be told and she needs to tell it during her confirmation hearings.
Speaking for me only
< Specter's Compelling Argument For Voting No On Kagan For SG | Rosen: Apply the "Kagan Standard" To Kagan > |