
Congress Must Vote On The Obama Middle Class Tax Cuts

Dem political ineptitude remains the most serious obstacle to their political success - Tea Party notwithstanding. Case in point - the Congressional Dems' reluctance to bring the Obama Middle Class Tax Cuts to a vote:

[M]embers of Democratic leadership [are] reflecting concerns from vulnerable members who don't want to take another politically juiced vote only to see action stall in the Senate and have to return to their districts without an accomplishment to boast about. "We're looking for the Senate to show leadership on the tax cuts, but we're having our discussions ourselves," said Xavier Becerra, Vice Chair of the Democratic Conference, in response to a question from TPM after a Democratic leadership meeting this evening.

Ok, waiting for the Senate to lead on any issue, much less this one, is waiting for Godot. The Senate must be cornered. But here's the larger point -who does not want to be for middle class tax cuts? "Vulnerable" Dems should be clamoring for this vote more than anyone else. Indeed, if the Dems do not bring this to a vote, the Republicans win the issue, as they want a vote on THEIR proposal to extend the Bush tax cuts. And it will be the Dems who block tax cuts for the middle class. This is so stupid that it is shocking, even from Dems.

Speaking for me only

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