Is It Palin Time?
Rick Perry is going down in flames. Michelle Bachmann's 15 minutes appear to be over. Herman Cain protested the n-word. No one knows what Newt is doing. Ron Paul, well, Ron Paul. Big Man Christie knows he can't win. What's left for Anybody But Romney? Ed Kilgore suggests it may be Palin time:
[I]s there any doubt a certain universally known, beloved-of-the-base politician will hear her name on the restless wind and give fresh consideration to the prospect of "going rogue" and running for president? Yes, this could be Sarah Palin's moment to confound her critics, to send the GOP establishment types she hates even more than liberals into frantic hysteria, and most of all, to gain the attention she craves.
I agree. It's time for Sarah Barracuda. And I betcha Mitt Romney would make a donation. He is running out the clock now, knowing he beats the current field easily. Palin would soak up all the oxygen, but not the votes the Mittster needs.
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