Hunt for Second Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect
Police are letting people back into their homes. Is Dzhokar dead?
The information coming out on the brothers is still somewhat conflicting as to last night's events.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, the suspect in the black hat, was killed last night. He was an amateur boxer with Olympic aspirations. His brother, Dzokhar, 19, is a student at U Mass at Dartmouth. He was an honor student in high school. Their classmates describe both of them as very nice guys that gave no indication of extremist beliefs or violence.
Dzokhar became a citizen on 9/11/12. The family fled Dagestan, next to Chechnya in southern Russia, for Kyrgyzstan in the early 1990's. In 2002 the family (like many others there) was granted asylum in the U.S. The brothers grew up here.
< Report: One Boston Marathon Suspect is Dead | Boston News Conference: 6:00 PM ET: Indoor Stay Lifted > |