My view in 2004: Rudy Giuliani, Could You Just Gag? and What Was Rudy Thinking?
2016: Donald and Rudy Sitting in a Tree: The Former Combover Twins;
2008: The Rigid Reign of Rudy Giuliani
2015: Rudy Giuliani Knows All About Love
2007: Giuliani's Son Admits Falling Out Over Judith Nathan
I haven't even started on Rudy and Bernie Kerik yet. (Yes that's a photo of Mikhail Gorbachev in Rudy's office. Rudy's back is to the camera.)
In 2008, here's why the New York Times endorsed John McCain over Rudy Giuliani in the Rebublican primary:
The real Mr. Giuliani, whom many New Yorkers came to know and mistrust, is a narrow, obsessively secretive, vindictive man who saw no need to limit police power. Racial polarization was as much a legacy of his tenure as the rebirth of Times Square.
Mr. Giuliani’s arrogance and bad judgment are breathtaking. When he claims fiscal prudence, we remember how he ran through surpluses without a thought to the inevitable downturn and bequeathed huge deficits to his successor. He fired Police Commissioner William Bratton, the architect of the drop in crime, because he couldn’t share the limelight. He later gave the job to Bernard Kerik, who has now been indicted on fraud and corruption charges.
(my emphasis)
The Rudolph Giuliani of 2008 first shamelessly turned the horror of 9/11 into a lucrative business, with a secret client list, then exploited his city’s and the country’s nightmare to promote his presidential campaign.
Back to Trump: In the Washington Post, check out Garrison Keiller: Trump Voters Won't Like What Happens Next -- it's a heads up to all his under-informed white male supporters.
Alas for the Trump voters, the disasters he will bring on this country will fall more heavily on them than anyone else. The uneducated white males who elected him are the vulnerable ones, and they will not like what happens next.
Hard to believe we're only on Day Two. Obama does the unity shtick while anyone with a brain is still retching at the thought of Trump and his merry band of authoritarians that will soon be placed in positions of power at the highest levels.