Kamala will have to choose between falling into his trap of driving her off-message or figuring out a way to denigrate his remarks with a simple, non-verbal universally understood hand gesture, that in one physical move, conveys that Trump's claims are pathetically baseless and being used to disguise his lack of knowledge on important topics Americans want to hear about, and therefore not worthy of a verbal response that eats into her time. The hand signal I would use is the "five fingered salute" I would turn 90 degrees to face him directly and then give it to him and then flash a big Kamala smile and start my answer:

In England this gesture is called "cocking a snook" but no one knows how it got that name.
Kamala needs to use every minute of her time to present her policy agenda, her experience, her humility, gratefulness and love of the United States, her dedication to children and access to health care, and improving life for the middle class without fleecing the rich, and explaining with specificity rather than generalities how Trump's Administration failed when it comes to the economy, political policy, nepotism and accountability.
After prevarications, Trump will move to pontificating about his accomplishments when he had a desk in the oval office, most of which will be lies, delivered in his best P.T. Barnum voice ("there's a sucker born every minute") that much to his consternation will be reduced in the media's opinion pages tomorrow as Trump once again showing the world he is the Emporer with No Clothes.
More on Trump: You will see him tonight once again fail to answer the question asked and instead provide a planned or impromptu answer to a question that isn't even related to the question asked. His brain is so slow, that three questions later, he will decide to answer that first ignored question, as if the time slot to do so was still open.
Also keep in mind: A Trump win in November paves the ways for his talent-less, inexperienced children to pretend they are the stars of a new Dynasty and to use it as their stepping-stone to gain power over the next generation of Americans. The Trump clan, which multiplies like rabbits, will claim to bigger and better than the Kennedys. Trump's sons and daughters, daughters-in-law, and at least one son-in-law, are all waiting in the winds.
Jared's investment firm gets billions of dollars from Saudi Arabia that he uses to buy land and develop as luxury tourist properties in Serbia and Albania -- he even recently bought the largest car rental company in South Korea. Even The Trump family hangers-on want in on the power. It was just during the last few years that former Duke University golf team member Andrew Guiliani put in his name to run for Mayor of New York. His qualifications: Trump briefly gave him a job as his personal golf caddy.
As for Donald and Eric and Tiffany, they are no different than other nepo-babies, except perhaps with more emotional scars. Don't be fooled by the great cosmetic dentistry they have had. It just makes their smiles as fake as the rest of them.
I cannot stress this enough. It is not just the under-informed, rural, disaffected and marginalized discontents in this country who support Trump. It is also the billionaires and millionaires who care much more about preserving their wealth (and lifestyle) for themselves and their nepo-babies than they do about any other issue. They know Trump is unable to focus on any singular topic besides golf for more than 5 minutes; is easily manipulated by anyone with more money or power than he has; and doesn't know his a*s from his elbow, but they don't care, so long as he keeps their taxes down.
We get the government we elect. If we snooze and don't vote, we all lose. There is only one sane, rational choice for America this November. And she's not even asking to come to your house for dinner (As Oprah said about Hillary). You just have to vote for her.)
If you don't think Kamala's agenda matches your own, for example on criminal justice issues or Israel, then remember this: Supreme Court justices, federal appeals and district court judgeships and the head of ICE and Homeland Security are also picked by the President. That alone is a reason to dump Trump.
Comments inspired by or related to the debate and policy positions are welcome.