
Home / Elections 2006

Dems Win Conrol of the House of Representatives

CNN and NBC have declared control of the House of Representatives has changed to the Democrats.

Since 1994, we have had a Contract on America. No more. Goodbye, Republicans.

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Congratulations, Governor Bill Ritter

Colorado went blue tonight. Congrats to Bill Ritter, our new Governor. And to Diana DeGette (maybe the next House whip) and Mark Udall who won reelection handily.

And one of my favorites, Ed Perlmutter, beat Bush-Cheney favorite Rick O'Donnell for the open seat in Colorado's 7th Congressional District, being vacated by Republican Bob Beauprez who just lost to Bill Ritter.

Beauprez is out of politics for now, and none too soon in my view.

Colorado started going blue in 2004 when the state legislature changed hands. Looks like the mood stuck around.

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The Early Stupid Spin

If you warch MSNBC you will now see some of the stupidest political analysis in recent memory.

First, it starts with falsehoods. The line they are trying is 'Dems winning in Blue states, but not in Red states."

Except, Democrats won seats in Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Florida, etc.

But suppose that line was true. The Dems are taking the House and comfortably - with wins in Blue States. So what does that tell you about the prospects for Republicans? There are more people in Blue States. If Blue State Americans are now solidily Democrat, then the Dems are the majority party in the United States.

Will any pundit figure that one out? Never. They are dumb beyond belief.

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Hillary Wins Easy in New York

No surprise, but very welcome news good for Hillary. It's Governor Spitzer.

Congrats to Andrew Cuomo who beat Jeannine Pirro for Attorney General.

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GOP Silver Lining: Lieberman Holds On

Joe Lieberman is the lone bright spot for Republicans so far tonight. He looks like he will hold on to eke out a 3 point victory over Ned Lamont, 47-44.

Allen-Webb down to the wire in Virginia. Ford looks done.

Missouri very tight. Montana just closed.

Long night ahead.

In the House, 25 to 30 seat pickup for Dems looks likely.

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We're Halfway There

Democrats have won three of the six Senate seats they need to reclaim control of the Senate.

I'm not measuring for the drapes yet, but I'm getting hopeful.

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Mike Nifong Wins Re-election

Embattled DA Mike Nifong, immensely unpopular due to his decision to stick with the ever-crumbling Duke lacrosse players' alleged rape charges, has won re-election. Not surprising, since one of his opponents said he wouldn't take office if he won and the other was a write-in candidate.

Too bad he didn't have a real challenger.

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The Calm Before the Storm

We're in a lull here at the Tryst. The food has been outstanding, like a huge thanksgiving dinner, incredibly fresh and gourmet. My compliments to the folks at the Tryst. They also come around to ask if we want fresh coffee...some of us are just now finding the open bar.

The results so far don't show who's taking over Congress so the right and left bloggers are getting along just great. That may change when the night gets further along.

Jacki and Abbi from CNN are working so hard. TV isn't as easy as it seems. There are dozens of tech people working the site, and as soon as we lose our wireless, they are there to put it back- the cameras are ever present, we never know when you get a glimpse of us. For example, there's a cameraman at my shoulder right now, filming as I type this.

In case I forget later, Thank You CNN, for the best election night ever.

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Florida Results

Bill Nelson routed Cruella.

Follow the House races here The highlight:

Florida 22

Dem Klein 16,215 51%

Rep Shaw 14,708 47%

9% reporting

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Santorum Routed

Bob Casey, Jr. is the new Senator from Pennsylvania.

Dem pickup. 5 to go.

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Deval Patrick's Historic Win

He wins the Massachusetts governorship.

The first African American to win a Governorship since Doug Wilder.

Good for Patrick and good for Massachusetts.

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Sanders Wins in Vermont

Not a surprise.

Lugar wins in Indiana.

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