
Coptic Christian Family Not Killed by Muslims

In January, we wrote about the murders of a New Jersey Coptic Christian family and how conservatives went on a rampage, blaming Muslims, coming up with slogans like "Jihad in New Jersey."

Arrests have now been made in the case. Two tenants of the family, men who lived upstairs, have been charged. Robbery was the motive, according to police, not religious hatred.

Many in New Jersey's Coptic Christian community had speculated that Hossam Armanious angered Muslims with opinions he posted in Internet chat rooms under the user name "I Love Jesus."

"I'd like to make one thing perfectly clear: The motive for these murders was robbery. This was a crime based on greed, the desperate need of money," Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio said.

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    But how do you know that for a fact? did the guy have any real property of the murdered people? If I was a cop working this case I would love it to be Robbery and not Religious hated. But lets see what comes of this and not just hang the guy right now. its sounds like an easy mark to me.