
Michael Jackson: Accuser's Brother Admits Lying

Jackson Trial Update
Tuesday March 8

Under cross-examination today, the younger brother of Michael Jackson's accuser admitted that he has lied:

He admitted lying under oath at a deposition in his mother's suit against J.C. Penney security guards--and said he couldn't remember who told him to lie.

He admitted Jackson didn't show him a sex magazine that just yesterday he testified Jackson had shown him. That admission came when Mesnereau confronted him with the date of the magazine - six months after the family had left Neverland.

He also denied making statements that the psychologist attributed to him in grand jury testimony.

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    Re: Michael Jackson: Accuser's Brother Admits Lyin (none / 0) (#1)
    by Jlvngstn on Wed Mar 09, 2005 at 07:06:11 AM EST
    Regarding the "prank" phone calls where MJ allegedly cranked people from the plane, couldn't they get his phone records and check the numbers called and subpoena the people attached to the numbers to see if they were in fact "cranked" and if female genitalia was discussed? Seems to me that this goes to the heart of the case relative to integrity and "pattern of abuse". If he did make the calls and discuss female genitalia it does not make him guilty of sexual abuse but does demonstrate a pat