
RCMP Chief: Pot Grows Not to Blame for Killings

Anti-drug hysteria at work....but at least in Canada, they admit it when they are wrong.

The Chief of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Monday admitted he made a mistake when he blamed last week's killing of four RCMP officers on marijuana grows. The killings were committed by a deranged lone criminal - not an organized group of growers:

Last Friday, RCMP Commissoner Guiliano Zaccardelli Zaccardelli blamed pot growers for the murders:

RCMP Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli went further, suggesting it's time not just to crack down on grow ops, but also to re-examine the idea of decriminalizing simple possession of small amounts of pot.

Monday, Chief Zaccardelli acknowledged his mistake, saying he did not have all the information about the case:

"I gave what I believed was the best information I had knowing full well that at that time I didn't have all the information," a contrite Zaccardelli said. "Clearly, there's a lot of things in there that, in hindsight, we will have to look at in a different perspective."

If these killings had happened in the U.S., Congress would have already passed a law creating increased mandatory minimum sentences for cultivation offenses. Background on the killings is here.

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    Re: RCMP Chief: Pot Grows Not to Blame for Killing (none / 0) (#1)
    by scarshapedstar on Tue Mar 08, 2005 at 07:57:52 PM EST
    You mean "reefer madness" has continued it's 70-year streak of nonexistence? Don't tell the right-wing commenters, it'll be like waking a sleepwalker.

    Re: RCMP Chief: Pot Grows Not to Blame for Killing (none / 0) (#2)
    by Kitt on Tue Mar 08, 2005 at 08:12:13 PM EST
    Yeah, I think it was the next day that someone pointed out that the four RCMP officers were from the 'Auto Theft' unit; as well as it being in the Toronto Star and on the CBC news site.

    The point was, the bodies hadn't even cooled yet before the likes of Anne McLellan and certain other Grit politicians and their opportunistic police allies were attempting to use the peripheral issue of the man's (paltry) grow op via public sympathy and outrage to ratchet up the penalties...when the whole matter was started over this locally known and infamous nutjob not making payments on a new truck. Talk about a cynical use of the death of those young men to forward their prohibitionist agendas. And now they've been caught out with their pants down. For shame! Shame!

    Re: RCMP Chief: Pot Grows Not to Blame for Killing (none / 0) (#4)
    by kdog on Wed Mar 09, 2005 at 06:50:33 AM EST
    Good point at the end there TL. US law enforcemnt would never admit a mistake such as this. The propaganda value is too great.

    Re: RCMP Chief: Pot Grows Not to Blame for Killing (none / 0) (#5)
    by Jlvngstn on Wed Mar 09, 2005 at 07:02:09 AM EST
    I think the US would admit it, it would just get buried for 5 months and released on a Saturday when no one is reading or watching the news. Kudos to the RCMP for owning up to it.