
CIA Refers New Leaks Probe to Justice Department

The CIA has referred the leak of secret prison locations that appeared in the Washington Post to the Justice Department for investigation. This is the same way means by which the criminal investigation began into PlameGate.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the issue deals with classified information, said the referral was made shortly after the Nov. 2 story. The leak investigation into the disclosure of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame's identity came about through the same referral procedure. The Justice Department will decide whether to initiate a criminal investigation.

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  • Sen. Lott says he thinks it might be a Republican senator who leaked the story. Wonder who? We can only speculate.... Might be a candidate in '08 Cheney foe Connected to WaPo Author of bill against torture Independent of GWB and Republican leadership Not happy about CIA "torture camps"

    The Council of Europe has launched an investigation into the US secret prisons, as they appear to be located in member states. I never thought I'd see the day when our President was tried for war crimes, but it doesn't seem so far-fetched now.... Where does it stop? Lying us into an unnecessary war? Thousands of civilians dead (never mind our own soldiers)? Torture ordered from the highest levels of our government? Abu Ghraib? Guantanamo? Extraordinary extradition? Secret gulags? Using chemical warfare? What's next? The Final Solution for Muslims? I'm waiting to hear any day now that our soldiers have forced villagers to dig their own graves before shooting them... and I'm sick, sick, sick....

    The Council of Europe has launched an investigation into the US secret prisons, as they appear to be located in member states. I never thought I'd see the day when our President was tried for war crimes, but it doesn't seem so far-fetched now.... Where does it stop? Lying us into an unnecessary war? Thousands of civilians dead (never mind our own soldiers)? Torture ordered from the highest levels of our government? Abu Ghraib? Guantanamo? Extraordinary extradition? Secret gulags? Using chemical warfare? What's next? The Final Solution for Muslims? I'm waiting to hear any day now that our soldiers have forced villagers to dig their own graves before shooting them... and I'm sick, sick, sick....

    Welcome to Bizarro World where it is a high crime to expose that America is now engaged in war crimes around the world. Never thought I'd see the day. Well, like Uncle Bobby says: you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. We have met the enemy - and it is US.