Late Night Song Requests
I think we are all getting a little punchy waiting for the speech of the century to begin.
While I don't want to watch because I know it's scripted and not the real candidate but the candidate as reinvented by campaign and media professionals, how could I not?
The content of what she says is the least important part. It's not her. It's what they prepared for her to say, with a few modifications for her own personality.
Update: Oh, and Gov. Sarah Palin's aide is now refusing to be deposed in TrooperGate. First, she tries to move the investigation from the legislature to the Executive Branch (of which she's a part) and now her aide says he won't cooperate or be deposed. Stall, stall, stall. Whatever happened to "Hold me accountable." See, her words mean nothing.
So I'm trying to think of a song for our late night post. Suggestions?
This is another open thread before the speech open thread.
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