
Friday :: July 21, 2006

Las Vegas Criminalizes Feeding the Homeless in Parks

What an outrage! Las Vegas has made it a crime to give food to the homeless in city parks. Primarily aimed at soup kitchens, the law carries a penalty of up to six months in jail and a $1,000.00 fine.

In an effort to curb charity that is having unintended consequences, the City Council has made it illegal to give food to homeless people in city parks. Residents complained that the large numbers of homeless gathering in the parks make it impossible for others to use them, said city spokesman David Riggleman.

Not only that, but check out the definition of "homeless person."

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Schwarzenegger Orders California to Start Stem Cell Research

by Last Night in Little Rock

Yesterday, the day after President Bush vetoed the federal stem cell research bill, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger ordered the state finance director to loan up to $150M to "the state's voter approved stem cell research institute, catapulting California into the lead as the nation's top public funder of the divisive research."

The California system is based on a $3B bond issue that is in litigation, but a state trial judge upheld the system in a "strongly worded ruling" that is subject to appeal. Schwarzenegger ordered the loan even though it is possible it might not get repaid.

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Israel Calls Up Reservists

In preparation for what may be a "large scale incursion" into Lebanon, Israel has called up reservists. Meanwhile, Hezbollah rockets continue to hit Haifa.

Correspondents in Jerusalem say it is understood the Israeli reservists being called up could fill in for troops in the West Bank and Gaza, releasing other soldiers to go up to the northern front. The move has widened speculation that Israel is preparing for a large ground offensive.

Israel is urging all civilians in Southern Lebanon to evacuate.

The call-up came as Israel dropped leaflets on southern Lebanon warning residents to immediately evacuate an area approximately 32km (20 miles) wide.

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Thursday :: July 20, 2006

S.F. Grand Jury Disbands Without Indicting Barry Bonds

by Last Night in Little Rock

The San Francisco federal grand jury investigation Barry Bonds' alleged steroid use disbanded today without indicting him on anything. Last weekend, Sports Illustrated (SI.com) was anticipating his indictment. Even his lawyer was anticipating an indictment, and he apparently went public to soften the blow.

But, the U.S. Attorney announced today that the investigating is continuing with the new grand jury that starts next week.

Kevin Ryan, the U.S. attorney for Northern California, has the option of swearing in a new grand jury to continue hearing the case, and Anderson's subpoena indicates that is what Ryan will do.

In a statement released today, Luke Macaulay, spokesman for Ryan, did not address that question, but said the investigation was far from over.

"Much has been accomplished to date, and we will continue to move forward actively in this investigation -- including continuing to seek the truthful testimony of witnesses whose testimony the grand jury is entitled to hear," he said.

Now, this is really just a matter of waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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Eavesdropping Suit Against AT&T Survives Dismissal Motion

by TChris

A legal challenge to AT&T's cooperation with the Bush administration's warrantless eavesdropping program survived dismissal today, as U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker rejected the administration's oft-repeated claim that any scrutiny of its domestic spying programs would endanger national security.

"It might appear that none of the subject matter in this litigation could be considered a secret given that the alleged surveillance programs have been so widely reported in the media,'' Walker said.

Walker also wrote that he did not see how allowing the lawsuit to continue could threaten national security.

"The compromise between liberty and security remains a difficult one,'' Walker said. "But dismissing this case at the outset would sacrifice liberty for no apparent enhancement of security.''

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Conyers v. Bush: Lawsuit over Federal Deficit Reduction Act

Rep. John Conyer's (D-MI) is suing President Bush over the enactment of the Federal Deficit Rediction Act. Shorter version: The House and Senate passed different versions of the bill and even though they went to conference, the House never voted on the version passed by the Senate as a House clerk changed a provision in the Senate version and Bush signed it into law. Bush can't sign a bill unless it has been agreed to by both the House and Senate.

The Government moved to dismiss (pdf) Rep. Conyer's lawsuit, and last night, he filed his motion and brief in opposition.

No one in the House of Representatives voted on the version of the bill which was signed into law. The Senate version was never presented in the House for a vote. .... The Deficit Reduction Act needed to be passed by the House of Representatives in the same form that it passed the Senate. The Act never did and thus the Act is not valid. A law is not validly enacted if even "one of paragraph of that text" is different.

This seems pretty basic to me. The House members were disenfranchised. If this process is approved, what's to stop Bush from signing into law any bill passed by only one house of Congress? As Conyers said:

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Altercating: Meanwhile Back at Home

I'm guest-blogging for Eric Alterman today over at MSNBC's Altercation. The topics: Sen. Lindsay Graham, Bush's stubbornness on Guantanamo, Sen. Mike DeWine's pulled ad with phony 9/11 pics (done by the same company that did the swift boat campaign against John Kerry) and Joe Lieberman's new backer, Bill Clinton.

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Lebanese PM Claims He Was Misquoted

Earlier today Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported that Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora criticized Hezbollah:

Saniora reportedly told Milan-based newspaper Corriere della Sera that the Shiite militia has been doing the bidding of Syria and Iran, and that it could only be disarmed with the help of the international community and once a cease-fire had been achieved in the current Middle East fighting.

"Hezbollah has become a state within a state. We know it well," Saniora was quoted as saying, for the first time leveling such an accusation against guerrillas that effectively control southern Lebanon. "It's not a mystery that Hezbollah answers to the political agendas of Tehran and Damascus," Saniora was quoted as saying. "The entire world must help us disarm Hezbollah. But first we need to reach a cease-fire."

But Saniora's office says he was misquoted and his words got lost in translation:

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Murder or Treatment?

by TChris

Is Dr. Anna Pou a hero or a criminal? Some physicians think Louisiana's attorney general is on shaky ground charging Dr. Pou and two nurses with murdering patients who were stuck at New Orleans' Memorial Medical Center during Hurricane Katrina.

By all accounts, Dr. Pou is a skilled and dedicated physician. She chose to stay at the hospital for days after the hurricane passed, hampered by heat, the absence of electricity, and dwindling supplies of medicine. The prosecution claims that Dr. Pou and two nurses "went from room to room with a set of syringes and vials, injecting at least four patients with a combination of drugs intended to kill those who could not easily be evacuated from the hospital."

The state's forensic pathologist found traces of both morphine and a central nervous system sedative in the tissue samples of several patients who died, drugs that they were not supposed to have in their bodies.

But what does this prove? That a doctor in desperate circumstances engaged in mercy killings, or that she used whatever drugs she had at hand to ease the suffering of patients while awaiting rescue?

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Botched Drug Raid Map

The Cato Insitute has an interactive map of dozens of botched drug and paramilitary raids in which civilians and officers were unnecessarily killed. While you're there, check out the 100 page "white paper" by Radley Balko, a dogged critic of the militarization of police.

From the executive summary:

Americans have long maintained that a man's home is his castle and that he has the right to defend it from unlawful intruders. Unfortunately, that right may be disappearing. Over the last 25 years, America has seen a disturbing militarization of its civilian law enforcement, along with a dramatic and unsettling rise in the use of paramilitary police units (most commonly called Special Weapons and Tactics, or SWAT) for routine police work. The most common use of SWAT teams today is to serve narcotics warrants, usually with forced, unannounced entry into the home.

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Wednesday :: July 19, 2006

Libby Will Seek to Use Memory Expert at Trial

Lewis "Scooter" Libby's lawyers have notified the Court and Patrick Fitzgerald that they intend to call a memory expert at Libby's trial. While it's long been known they intended to rely on a memory defense and that they have been consulting with a pre-eminent memory expert, they were mum on whether they would call an expert at trial.

In their July 17 filing (pdf), Libby's lawers said they have provided the expert's name and qualifications to Fitzgerald. They sought (and received) an extension until July 31 to outline the specific details of the expert's testimony and to file a motion requesting the admission of the expert's testimony at trial.

Libby has long maintained that memory lapses were the cause of any misstatements in his grand jury testimony and interviews with FBI agents. He says that he was too preoccupied with important national security matters to remember the details of his conversations with FBI investigators, the grand jury and reporters about Valerie Plame Wilson.

In March, Libby's team confirmed that it had retained Daniel L. Schachter of Harvard to consult with the case.

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House Fails to Overide Stem Cell Veto

The House of Representatives today failed to overide Bush's veto of the stem cell research bill. The bill is now dead for the year.

....Within hours of the East Room ceremony, the House hurriedly took up a measure to override the veto, but the vote, 235 to 193, fell 51 short of the two-thirds majority required. Fifty-one Republicans, 183 Democrats and 1 independent voted to override, while 4 Democrats joined 179 Republicans in voting to keep the veto intact.

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