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Found 50 results.

1781) She hasn't lost yet [5.00 / 4] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/02/2008 11:10:16 AM EST
attached to A Good Question To Opponents Of The Unity Ticket

1782) We still have a chance to get Hillary on the [5.00 / 3] Replies: 1
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/02/2008 11:05:16 AM EST
attached to A Good Question To Opponents Of The Unity Ticket

1783) Her age isn't a solid argument [5.00 / 4] Replies: 2
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/02/2008 10:53:44 AM EST
attached to A Good Question To Opponents Of The Unity Ticket

1784) I'm not afraid of [5.00 / 3] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/02/2008 10:42:44 AM EST
attached to A Good Question To Opponents Of The Unity Ticket

1785) She's been a FOX contributor for a long time [5.00 / 1] Replies: 2
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/02/2008 09:46:06 AM EST
attached to The Worst Argument Against A Unity Ticket

1786) Obama MUST have someone who [5.00 / 4] Replies: 1
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/02/2008 09:30:57 AM EST
attached to The Worst Argument Against A Unity Ticket

1787) Hoping it puts a big hault to [5.00 / 4] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/02/2008 09:27:33 AM EST
attached to The Worst Argument Against A Unity Ticket

1788) minordomo [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/02/2008 04:29:19 AM EST
attached to Late Night Open Thread: R.I.P. Yves Saint Laurent

1789) Thanks [none / 0] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 11:56:28 PM EST
attached to More Deep Thoughts

1790) Donna Brazile has said on more than one [none / 0] Replies: 1
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 11:34:30 PM EST
attached to More Deep Thoughts

1791) Please tell us where that link goes [5.00 / 1] Replies: 1
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 11:29:15 PM EST
attached to More Deep Thoughts

1792) Yet, you see enough what in [5.00 / 2] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 11:26:17 PM EST
attached to More Deep Thoughts

1793) I've seen the claim [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 10:52:27 PM EST
attached to RCP Updates Its Popular Vote and Delegate Totals

1794) Where are you getting your numbers? [none / 0] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 10:51:17 PM EST
attached to RCP Updates Its Popular Vote and Delegate Totals

1795) It's mind-numbing [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 09:01:42 PM EST
attached to The DNC Doesn't Want to Count Michigan's Popular Vote?

1796) They claimed yesterday that Obama [5.00 / 6] Replies: 4
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 08:48:35 PM EST
attached to The DNC Doesn't Want to Count Michigan's Popular Vote?

1797) McCain's immigration stand [none / 0] Replies: 8
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 07:51:31 PM EST
attached to National Numbers and Trends for the Hispanic/Latino Vote

1798) LOL [5.00 / 1] Replies: 1
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 07:43:51 PM EST
attached to Huge Box Office Stats for "Sex and the City" Opening

1799) I forget who the SD was, but a male [none / 0] Replies: 3
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 07:36:40 PM EST
attached to Final Puerto Rico Results

1800) Are all those caucus states? [none / 0] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 07:32:21 PM EST
attached to Final Puerto Rico Results

1801) Time to cancel subscriptions [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 07:26:25 PM EST
attached to Final Puerto Rico Results

1802) Doesn't this mean that she has reduced the [none / 0] Replies: 1
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 07:24:09 PM EST
attached to Final Puerto Rico Results

1803) PR doesn't vote in the GE [none / 0] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 06:43:23 PM EST
attached to Hillary Received More Votes Than Any Primary Candidate in History

1804) Fools on the news [none / 0] Replies: 1
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 06:38:52 PM EST
attached to Hillary's Puerto Rico Victory Speech

1805) ROFL [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 06:33:21 PM EST
attached to Hillary's Puerto Rico Victory Speech

1806) Aren't you paying attention at all? [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 06:26:56 PM EST
attached to Hillary's Puerto Rico Victory Speech

1807) And, in her gracious nature, she put out her hand [5.00 / 4] Replies: 1
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 06:24:44 PM EST
attached to Hillary's Puerto Rico Victory Speech

1808) Steve - the following 2 posts do not respond [none / 0] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 04:46:50 PM EST
attached to March to June: Hillary Wins 8, Obama 5

1809) Silly? [5.00 / 1] Replies: 1
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 04:38:47 PM EST
attached to March to June: Hillary Wins 8, Obama 5

1810) :) You think the convention would give him that? [none / 0] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 04:37:14 PM EST
attached to March to June: Hillary Wins 8, Obama 5

1811) Well, this is the year for CHANGE [none / 0] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 04:31:41 PM EST
attached to Popular Vote Total After Puerto Rico

1812) On a national level election [5.00 / 1] Replies: 1
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 04:16:02 PM EST
attached to Popular Vote Total After Puerto Rico

1813) Hijacking the thread with this argument [none / 0] Replies: 1
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 04:12:56 PM EST
attached to Popular Vote Total After Puerto Rico

1814) Yes, it does [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 03:58:22 PM EST
attached to Popular Vote Total After Puerto Rico

1815) He just can't resist competing [none / 0] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 03:46:20 PM EST
attached to Popular Vote Total After Puerto Rico

1816) Funny, but you do know [5.00 / 2] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 03:43:49 PM EST
attached to Popular Vote Total After Puerto Rico

1817) 395 pledged delegates to go [5.00 / 1] Replies: 1
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 03:41:17 PM EST
attached to Popular Vote Total After Puerto Rico

1818) He only has 1723 pledged delegates [5.00 / 0] Replies: 1
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 03:33:17 PM EST
attached to Popular Vote Total After Puerto Rico

1819) Heh, stir the pot then run like he!! [5.00 / 4] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 02:30:02 PM EST
attached to Clinton Wins Puerto Rico By Wide Margin

1820) Yes [5.00 / 2] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 02:27:30 PM EST
attached to Clinton Wins Puerto Rico By Wide Margin

1821) I thought I saw a 75/25 split [none / 0] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 02:25:00 PM EST
attached to Clinton Wins Puerto Rico By Wide Margin

1822) That's because it was the most favorable [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 02:23:59 PM EST
attached to Clinton Wins Puerto Rico By Wide Margin

1823) She's hungry [5.00 / 4] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 02:22:37 PM EST
attached to Clinton Wins Puerto Rico By Wide Margin

1824) Every post on that site is good [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 02:00:19 PM EST
attached to Sunday Afternoon Open Thread

1825) As members left services at TUCC this [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 01:45:07 PM EST
attached to Sunday Afternoon Open Thread

1826) Another way to say it [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 01:35:24 PM EST
attached to Sunday Afternoon Open Thread

1827) I have zero faith in anything he says [5.00 / 3] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 01:28:00 PM EST
attached to Sunday Afternoon Open Thread

1828) I wish they had said something about [5.00 / 2] Replies: 1
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 01:21:09 PM EST
attached to Sunday Afternoon Open Thread

1829) Much like Obama [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 01:18:59 PM EST
attached to Sunday Afternoon Open Thread

1830) Eagleton, Tom [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
posted by JavaCityPal on 06/01/2008 01:13:15 PM EST
attached to Sunday Afternoon Open Thread