
More Convention Bloggers Named

Cyberjournalist.net has the names of several bloggers who have received press credentials to cover the Democratic Convention. Here are the ones so far:

Dave Winer of Scripting News
Dave Weinberger

Taegan Goddard's Political Wire

NYU's Jay Rosen, who has lengthy essay about the incoherence of modern conventions and the freshness bloggers may bring.

Markos Moulitsas Zuniga from the Daily Kos

Jerome Armstrong

Aldon Hynes

Jeralyn Merritt of TalkLeft

Many thanks to those of you who contributed to our convention expense fund. We've raised $200.00 so far, and our goal is at least $2,000.00--so if you are a regular reader or commenter on TalkLeft, or you'd just like to help us out, we'd really appreciate it. It will cost us about $3,000 to make the trip, and we promise great coverage--particularly of behind-the-scenes goings-on the mainsteam press may not tell you about. We're calling it news with attitude.

We'll be sending everyone who contributes by paypal an individualized thank-you e-mail. If you'd like to donate anonymously, use Amazon. Both are secure. Many, many thanks.

Cyberjournalist is offering a place for readers to submit questions to the convention bloggers. If there is something in particular you'd like us to cover or focus on, let us know in the comments.

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TalkLeft Gets Press Credentials For Democratic Convention

It's official! We got a "formal notice" in the mail today that TalkLeft has been allocated press credentials for the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston. We said this morning we were ecstatic that Kerry selected John Edwards as his running mate, and now we are doubly excited that we will be able to cover the events live and bring you some of the behind the scenes info the major media won't cover--and some news with attitude.

We could definitely use your help with expenses. It will cost us between $2,000.00 and $3,000.00 for airfare and hotel (see comments), and we'd like to raise that amount since we'll be losing a week at work. If you're in a position to assist, you can do so here via PayPal. If you'd like to donate anonymously, use Amazon. Both are secure. Many, many thanks.

Update: The DNCC's official blog, BostonDParty, is here--written by Matt Stoller and Eric Schnure.

Don't miss Pressthink's article by Jay Rosen here. Our update is here.

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DNC to Announce Blogger Convention Press Credentials

Monday is the day. The DNC will announce which bloggers will get press credentials to cover the Democratic convention in Boston. We're keeping our fingers crossed we'll be chosen.

The time has come to officially credential bloggers. Starting tomorrow, we will be notifying the bloggers who applied for credentials and letting them know if they’ve been accredited. It took us a little longer than we hoped, but then again, we got more applications than we imagined. The response was incredible. So I want to thank all of you. I know you’re all used to getting and sharing information as fast as your ISP allows, but thank you for the patience and understanding that is often a prerequisite in politics when doing something meaningful for the first time.

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Boston Cancels Court Trials During Convention Week

Boston is gearing up for the convention. All court trials have been canceled.

The trials were canceled because police won't be available to testify and jurors and witnesses might find it difficult to get into the downtown area during the July 26-29 convention, the Boston Sunday Herald reported. "People are simply not going to be able to get around," court administrator Dana Leavitt told the Herald. Leavitt said superior courts in Boston and Cambridge would be open for bail reviews and emergency matters, such as restraining orders and injunctions, but not much else. Grand jury sessions will also be cancelled that week.

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