Tag: Democratic National Convention
Eric Boehlert of Media Matters rips the Mainstream Media for its coverage of the Democratic National Convention in Denver.
How 15,000 credentialed journalists could descend on Denver and produce such unvaryingly weak and shoddy coverage of a staged news event -- and do it with coverage that celebrated sameness and shallowness -- was a sad spectacle that newsrooms nationwide ought to ponder.
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(Video removed by You Tube)
Why do women, including some major former Hillary Clinton supporters, support Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden? I had the opportunity to interview two women's rights leaders at the CNN Grill at during the Democratic National Convention in Denver this week.
The interview above is of Katherine Spillar,Executive Vice President of the Feminist Majority Foundation and Feminist Majority. My interview with Eleanor Smeal, President of the Feminist Majority and former President of NOW has also been removed.
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Hands-down, my favorite hangout during the Democratic National Convention was Brooklyn's, across the street from the Pepsi Center and comandeered for the week by CNN which recast it as the CNN Grill.
First, it's an excellent and inviting space, with great light, huge ceilings and many different kinds of seating. In addition to stools that run the length of the ample bar, there are also both bar and regular height tables and booths. The outside patio was roomy and festive. At night, crowds gathered round to watch the big tv's. [More...]
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The Democratic National Convention in Denver was a success. How so? Some numbers:
- The Denver Host Committee, which lagged behind its fundraising goal until the end, ended up raising $10 million more than its $40.6 million goal.
- At the Republican convention in New York in 2004, there were 1,800 arrests. Total arrests in Denver: 154.
- The Denver Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau secured 190,000 hotel rooms. 170,000 were put reserved by the DNC.
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I'm home. What a spectacular event at Invesco Field. I have a ton of pictures and video (not of the speeches, you can see those on TV) but they will have to wait until tomorrow or the weekend.
Denver really came through for the Democrats. It's a very proud moment for those of us who live here.
If you somehow missed the speeches this week, they will replay on Cnn.com/Live -- the schedule is below. click on the thumbnail images under the "Happening Now" column.
This is an open thread.
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Here's a blog devoted to DNC protest activity. It has videos and photos and links to the other protest blogs.
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ABC news producer Asa Enlocker was arrested at the Brown Palace today.
Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic Senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown's Palace Hotel.
...Eslocker and his ABC News colleagues are spending the week investigating the role of corporate lobbyists and wealthy donors at the convention for a series of Money Trail reports on ABC World News with Charles Gibson.
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[Updated to show entire video]. I saw this CNN interview after Hillary's speech.
It's clear that Sen. Barack Obama has a big sales job to do on many, many Hillary supporters.
Why is he in Montana, watching the convention at a house party? Shouldn't he have come to Denver for the entire convention? It's more than half over and he's still not here. He's missed a great opportunity.
Update: Commenters point out it's tradition for the nominee not to appear at the convention until the final day. I didn't know that. Now that I do, I think this would have been a good year to break that tradition. He's got a lot of work to do and his physical presence at various events this week, and the media portrayal of it, might have helped.
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The media is using superlatives to describe Hillary Clinton's speech tonight.
The Republicans are saying she didn't do anything to dispel the idea that Obama lacks the experience to lead the country.
I think it's a great night for Democrats, but what will the final effect be?
Did Obama made the biggest mistake of his campaign by not choosing Hillary for his VP candidate? How many Democrats will sit the election out?
And yes, watching Joe Biden made me cringe.
Anita's reaction: [More...]
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The most electric moment of the convention so far: Hillary Clinton.
Michelle Obama, who has been shown all night long laughing and animated, is clapping but with the tightest mouth I've seen on her, as if she's totally nervous. She's constantly pursing her lips. Relax, Michelle, Hillary's on your side now.
(We keep crashing, back up site here.)
Update: She hit it out of the park. Great speech. She also outlined all the Democratic values. Not a hint of bitterness. She projects the voice of experience and leadership with supreme confidence and credibility. The consummate Democrat.
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Jane at Firedoglake has an excellent post, HuffPo Lunch: Dirty Bloggers Eatin’ Cold Salmon. Big donors and corporate sponsors continue to make the Democrats' world go round. There are many different levels of media access at the convention. Thankfully, we're still dirty hippies in that world.
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The DNCC just sent out the final schedule for tonight at the Democratic National Convention. The final hour -- 8:00 to 9:00pm MT -- will feature the following, in order:
- Ret. Rear Admiral John Hutson
President, Franklin Pierce Law Center in Concord, New Hampshire, Lifelong Republican
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