
Tag: Facebook

Facebook Gets Even More Intrusive

As if Facebook wasn't intrusive enough, it's taken another giant leap, adding new apps that tell us way more than we want to know about people we've "friended" and telling our "friends" way more than we ever intended to share.

The apps are all set up to use the “frictionless sharing” function on the social network, meaning that users only have to give an app permission to share information once. After that, the app updates automatically to a user’s profile, letting their friends know instantly what they may be eating, studying or listening to at any given moment.

So now, as soon as you buy a concert ticket, your Ticketmaster app will let your friends know what you’ve purchased immediately.

I'm so close to deleting my account entirely. It took me a half hour last night to figure out how to get rid of seeing what news articles on WAPO and Yahoo "friends" read and what they ate. [More...]

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