
Tag: RNC

My RNC, so far

It's not so much free speech under attack, as Freedom of Assembly.

Working solo, I've been able to fly signs right up to the gates where the delegates are searched before entering Excel. Anything that appears to be a group over 5, however, gets excluded from the perimeter.

Easiest access is by taxi. The police stereotype of bad demonstrator has you entering on foot.

During Mondays brawl by the river, I was directly behind the National Guard line, posing with my "This is a test of the Emergency Free Speech System" sign. The only police interference with my activity was an admonishment to "wait for the walk sign."

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RNC E-Mails as Top Secret?

Earlier, I linked to this Newsweek article today in which a data recovery expert was interviewed on the missing e-mails. The interview includes this q and a:

What would you do if you were pulled into this White House case?

If they were really doing their job, they would have to give access to forensic specialists. Those companies can go in and find that e-mail file and then sort through it using proprietary software and hardware. But the government is going to have to open their doors. Top secret stuff is on there, I'm sure, and they'd make it hard.

But, the RNC files are not top secret and those are the missing files now at issue, at least with respect to Karl Rove.

And, if there was anything "top secret," wouldn't that be an incredible breach of security for the information to reside outside secure government servers?

This may become a Catch-22 for Bush. Either the Administration was incredibly lax about top secret information or there was no top secret information.

Marcy (Empty Wheel) has some terrific posts up about the Rove-Hadley e-mail and Fiztgerald and the missing e-mails.

Also not to be missed, Glenn Greenwald. Jack Cafferty at CNN highlighted it -- Crooks and Liars has the video.

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Luskin Defends Rove on the Missing E-Mails

Update: Newsweek interviews an expert on whether it's really possible to lose e-mails.

Original Post

Karl Rove's lawyer, Robert Luskin, says his client didn't intentionally delete any e-mails and cooperated fully with Fitzgerald's request for e-mail in PlameGate.

Rove's lawyer said the senior presidential adviser had no idea that his e-mails were being deleted from the RNC server. "His understanding starting very, very early in the administration was that those e-mails were being archived," Rove's attorney, Robert Luskin, said.

The prosecutor probing the Valerie Plame spy case saw and copied all of Rove's e-mails from his various accounts after searching Rove's laptop, his home computer, and the handheld computer devices he used for both the White House and Republican National Committee, Luskin said.

The prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, subpoenaed the e-mails from the White House, the RNC and Bush's re-election campaign, he added. "There's never been any suggestion that Fitzgerald had anything less than a complete record," Luskin said.

The only deletions Rove made were done to clean up his inbox.


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Karl Rove: "Can't Dress Up That Pig"

Update 3/4: "Rove 2", Dick Wadhams, was unanimously elected to lead the state's Republican party.


Presidential advisor and Republican strategist Karl Rove was in Colorado yesterday, urging Republians to choose Dick Wadhams as chairman of the Colorado Republican Party. Here's what he had to say about the Republican loss in 2006:

During a "repaint the state red dinner," Rove said Republicans suffered a significant defeat in the November elections, but he said he takes a longer view of history and predicted voters will again turn to Republicans for leadership.

"We had a defeat. Can't dress up that pig. We pick ourselves up off the mat, we stand on principle and we get back in the fight," he told a cheering crowd of hundreds of supporters.

Wadhams took some lumps last year when he couldn't save his Virginia senatorial candidate George Allen from self-destruction:

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