Tag: Yearly Kos
Thanks to Talking Points Memo for posting video of big portions of Hillary Clinton's breakout session -- including one of the two questions I got to ask her -- "How is your attorney general going to be different than Alberto Gonzales?" My question starts at 1:40 into the clip.
The other question I asked her was about warrantless electronic surveillance. I asked her if she were President, what kind of warrantless monitoring procedures would she authorize and what kind would she refuse to authorize? I haven't seen a clip of her answer to that anywhere yet.
Reportedly, there were 350 people who chose to attend Hillary's breakout session over those of the other candidates. That's 1/4 of those who attended Yearly Kos. I think any notion that Hillary was not enthusiastically welcomed at Yearly Kos is wrong. I thought she excelled during the breakout. As you can see from the entirety of the clip (not just my portion) she was cheered throughout.
As Newsweek reported, "The audience lapped it up."
Peter Daou, Hillary's online communications director, gives thanks here to Yearly Kos and those who attended.
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I'm at Midway airport in Chicago, waiting for my flight home from Yearly Kos.
Here's something I've never seen before: Rocking chairs.
I'm sitting in a very comfortable hand-painted rocking chair, thoughtfully placed next to a power outlet, with Wi-Fi, in the middle of concurse A between two moving runways. What a stress-free way to blog. My gate is within eye distance. I could blog like this for hours.
Cheers for Midway. More like this please.
If you haven't read Markos' closing remarks last night, you can read them (or watch him deliver them) here.
Shorter version: "I'm just a guy who built a website. You did the rest."
And this I love: Gina Cooper, Yearly Kos' executive director has announced that next year it won't be called Yearly Kos 3 but Netroots Nation.
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Checking in from Yearly Kos in Chicago.
A few notes: The convention center is massive and between a 1/4 and 1/2 mile indoor walk from the hotel. Getting lost is quite easy.
Try to find someplace other than the hotel to eat. Last night Jane and Pach of Firedoglake and I ate dinner at the hotel restaurant. Drink, salad, small fillet and asparagus: $69.00. (a ribeye or strip steak would have been even more.) The food also took almost an hour to arrive.
On the positive side, Yearly Kos registration was smooth last night. We got canvas bags filled with stuff I haven't had time to rummage through yet, and a 70 page magazine consisting of the schedule,speakers and ads. I'd be lost without it, and if you'd like one, you can download it for free at Yearly Kos.
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Traveling Day here to Chicago and Yearly Kos. I'm not really bringing all that luggage, but close enough.
I'll stop in here at the airport as wi-fi and time allow. In the meantime, here's an open thread.
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The San Francisco Chronicle writes up Yearly Kos and its growing influence. It makes the point that right wing sites are just not in the same league as Daily Kos and other widely read liberal blogs.
Here's all you need to know about how influential the YearlyKos convention has become: Five top presidential candidates are going....Analysts say the community of liberal online activists -- the "netroots" -- has become not only a coveted constituency for the left but a legitimate threat to conservatives, who trail Democrats in online campaigning and fundraising.
There will be 200 journalists covering Yearly Kos. The right will be criticizing, but, I suspect, speaking to their echo chamber.
The article also compares blogs in 2007 to those in 2004:
The netroots have come a long way from the 2004 Democratic National Convention, when it was big news that bloggers were given media credentials.
Most of the public didn't even know what a blog was then. We've come a long way, but it's where we're going and what we are going to do that counts.
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Big Tent wrote yesterday about Tuesday night's debate between Bill O'Reilly and Hillary Clinton's communications director, Howard Wolfson.
Crooks and Liars has the video. The You Tube version is here.
Peter Daou, Hillary's Internet Communications Director, has a post-show diary on Daily Kos pointing out this statement by Wolfson:
"I think it's unfortunate that in the last week or so you have cherry picked some comments on the Daily Kos site that you or I or others might find objectionable and decided to smear an entire community - hundreds of thousands of people who go to the site every day, who talk to one another, who participate vigorously in our democracy; and you are urging Democratic presidential candidates to stay away from their yearly conference. And unfortunately with all due respect for you, the days where you can dictate where Senator Clinton and other Democrats go, who we talk to, are over.
I'm getting excited about Yearly Kos. I'll be there for all of it. If you can't make it, you can still watch and participate through Second Life. The sign-up sheet is here.
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Via Think Progress, which has the video and transcript, the Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol said on Fox News Sunday this morning:
“Every Democratic presidential nominee is going to the DailyKos convention,” said Kristol. “That’s the left-wing blogger who was not respectable three or four years ago. The Howard Dean kind of sponsor. Now the whole party is going to pay court to him and to left wing blogs.”
First, the convention is put on by Yearly Kos, an organization separate from the Daily Kos blog and separate from Markos.
More importantly, Markos is and always has been respectable. I'll repeat what I wrote a few years ago:
Markos is a friend of our's. We've spent hours with him - and his wife. He even designed TalkLeft for us, gratis. We've watched him grow from trying to get a few hundred hits a day to getting a thousand hits by noon (another landmark) to where he is now: the largest and most widely read liberal political blogger in the blogosphere.
He's earned every visitor to Daily Kos with his hard work, intelligence and uncanny grasp of all things related to politics and the internet. He grew up in war-torn El Salvador and served as an enlisted U.S. soldier in Gulf War I. He has a law degree. He is an incredibly talented pianist. He and his wife just had this beautiful baby. He's our friend.
Respectable means "worthy of respect or esteem." I think it's Kristol who is lacking in this department, not Markos.
Most of the Democratic presidential candidates and as well as many top Congressional leaders are attending Yearly Kos and participating in forums where they will answer questions from the attendees, 1,500 people from all walks of life concerned about the state of our nation.
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(New York Times photo of Plame House )
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the Yearly Kos Scooter Libby Live-Blogging Panel will soon be in session.
If you are attending Yearly Kos in Chicago, it's time to mark your calendars for opening day, August 2, at 9:30 a.m. You won't want to miss Firedoglake's esteemed co-hostess Christy Hardin-Smith and indispensable FDL contributor Marcy Wheeler of The Next Hurrah provide their behind-the-scenes look at live-blogging the perjury and obstruction of justice trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.
Also on the panel is Sheldon Snook, the Administrative Assistant to the Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Sheldon (who goes by his nickname Shelly) was the court official in charge of news media at the Libby trial.
I'll be there as well, moderating the panel.
I'm sure I don't need to remind anyone, but I will anyway, that Firedoglake provided ground-breaking coverage of the trial. As the New York Times wrote:
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