Home / Democratic National Convention 2008
Here's my video of my travels through the Pepsi Center last night. It's very raw and shaky and very different from what pro video-bloggers would post but I think you get a real sense of being in the Pepsi Center from it. [More...]
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2,500 people signed up to attend the Emily's List Gala at 2pm today.
Hillary just began speaking and you can watch it online here.
I'll update.[More below]
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Am I the only one who got a picture of Frank Sinatra's wife Barbara Marx? I took it at the Huffington Post Oasis today at the Big Tent site. (Added: It's Barbara Marx Hubbard.)
- Here's Arianna outside the Big Tent.
- Here's the scene outside the Big Tent.
- Here's Anita inside the Big Tent.
- Here's a profile shot of Arianna talking.
On to the Pepsi Center.[More...]
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Michelle Obama did a great job I thought. It was important political work as well, as she improved her own image and the end, when Barack Obama appeared via satellite and the Obama kids were impossibly cute, was terrific political theatre.
The Teddy Kennedy segment was moving.
The rest of the Convention night, at least on television, was terrible. Just terrible. As bad as I have ever seen. Boring, aimless, pointless. I have no idea why this was done but it can not happen again. Of course Hillary Clinton's speech will likely be a highlight. But what about the rest of the night? No repeat of last night please. If a glove was laid upon McCain and the Republicans, I did not see it.
By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only
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Here's some photos taken up close of Michelle Obama and Teddy Kennedy (and his son):
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I just got back from the Pepsi Center and will upload my photos and video and some thoughts as soon as I download and edit them.
It was an exciting night -- especially since I ended up with a floor pass and was able to roam the entire Pepsi Center, from the bottom-most level where all the production stuff was going on to the club levels and private suites and the floor where the delegates sat and news networks were recording.
Caroline Kennedy looked absolutely goregous, as did Michelle Obama. On the way out I saw Theresa Kerry and asked to take a photograph, but it came out completely blurry. She looked terrific as well.
I also have video (if any came out) and will be back soon to post it all, along with some thoughts and sightings.
I was very proud of Denver tonight.
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Ships in the harbor are safe," someone once said, "but this is not what ships are made for." And sometimes relationships become not partnerships in life's great adventure but excuses to stop ourselves from growing, taking risks, and living life to the fullest.
--Arianna Huffington, On Becoming Fearless.
This is the first page that I opened of Arianna's book that was being offered to bloggers that I picked up at her "Huffington Post Oasis: to unplug and recharge," a new age Yoga, massage and meditation quiet zone on the third floor of the crazy zoo that is the Big Tent.
Jeralyn and I arrived earlier in the day, just as Arianna was swarmed by flashing bulbs, cameras, reporters and bloggers all wanting to talk to her about, well, everything. It was like watching the Marilyn Monroe/ Katharine Graham of the DNC. She maneuvered gracefully and through the crowd and gave her time and attention as if each reporter was the only one in the room. [more...]
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Here's a thread for commenting on the Michelle Obama segment and speech scheduled to begin at 10 pm EDT.
Hmm, Republican Jim Leach to speak during the network hour? Bad idea. Scratch that, networks ignoring Leach. Guess that was the plan.
Michelle is on and showing great polish and skill. Looks like she will deliver a good speech. After Teddy, Michelle is the clear highlight of the night. She is doing good.
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Chris "Tweety" Matthews asked Obama spokesman David Gibbs if Bill Clinton was a racist. He said no, Bill Clinton is not a racist. Good to know.
To be fair, Gibbs was incredibly effusive in his praise of President Clinton and Senator Clinton. His appearance was excellent. Struck the exact right tone in my opinion. But let's face it, it's not good when those type of questions are being asked.
By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only
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Nancy Pelosi (booo! hisss!) comes on a few minutes. But the night belongs to Michelle Obama. She comes on at 10 after a biographical film and videotaped introduction from her mother. I hope she does great. I like her a lot.
This is a Convention Open Thread.
9:08 pm - Ted Kennedy is in the house reports CNN's John King. Maybe the first excitement of the night. David Gergen makes a good point, there has been absolutely nothing particularly interesting or effective so far in this night of the Convention, at least on television.
9:18 pm - Caroline Kennedy introducing the Ted Kennedy segment. To put it kindly, she is not a skilled speaker. On the other hand, loving the video, except too much John Kerry in it.
9:30 pm - Here's Senator Kennedy. Biggest roar of the night. Well deserved. He is a giant.
By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only
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If true, good on Obama:
When asked if there was any contention over Bill Clinton’s speech, Obama was quick to note what he told Clinton on the phone on Thursday. “I said, "Mr. President you can say whatever you like,”” Obama said. “Bill Clinton is a unique figure in our politics... It wouldn’t make sense to me to try and edit his remarks.”
I expect to here a lot about the economy if that is so. Definitely makes Bill Clinton's Wednesday night speech a must watch.
By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only
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Sooo, maybe I am not supposed to write this, but, this Convention thing? Incredibly boring. I know Obama will light it up Thursday night, and Bill and Hillary Clinton are must sees. Joe Biden should be interesting, but already he is the forgotten man. Mark Warner? Come on. And having to listen to talking heads all day and night? Ugh.
They say politics is show business for ugly people, and I must say conventions are to politics what the Oscars Awards Shows are to show business. Except they last for 4 days, not 4 hours.
By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only
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