Tag: Mitt Romney

Update: 11:32 pm: The motorcade has pulled up. It is the largest ever for the President. Obama takes the stage to thunderous applause. Snippets below:
We know in our hearts that for the United States of America, the best is yet to come.
Thanks to every American who participated in the election. Those who waited in line to vote, we have to fix that.
Whether you held an Obama sign or a Romney sign, you made your voice heard. [More...]
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Update 9:19 pm: CNN just called the race for Obama. He will take Ohio. Obama takes Oregon. The other networks do the same. The Denver Post calls Colorado for Obama. Amendment 64 passes.
8:38 pm: The networks aren't quite ready to project the winner, but I am. I think Romney is out of options, regardless of Florida. It's not going to be a very late night.
Update 9:01 pm: Obama: 249, Romney 191. {More...]
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Update 8:14 pm:Romney's in trouble. Obama has PA and NH, and he may get Iowa. Obama is leading in Ohio including Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo and Columbus. He's also leading in MN. Florida and VA may not be enough to save him in the end.
Colorado: Obama has 74% in Denver, and 70% in Boulder. Adams County: 59k for Obama and 44k for Romney. Romney thought he could make a big dent in Adams and Arapahoe and he didn't. Obama is winning in Jefferson County.
Update: 7:47 pm: Elizabeth Warren wins MA senate seat. There is almost no chance Republicans regain the Senate.
Update 7:39 pm: Obama takes Wisconsin! Obama 158, Romney 153. CBS projects NH for Obama! [More...]
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Via the Washington Post: 9 Mormon women explain why they support President Barack Obama over Mitt Romney. Some Snippets:
- "Mitt Romney and his plans for America are foreign to my faith values. He has shown behind closed doors how he truly feels about our nation’s poor and vulnerable, while Obama has sought to protect social programs, foreign aid, and real healthcare protections for those who desperately need it."
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President Obama makes the case for his re-election. Shorter version: We can move forward or fall back. [All quotes from @BarackObama]
- "I said we'd repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell', we ended it."
- "I said we’d crack down on reckless practices on Wall Street, and we did."
- "I said that I'd end the war in Iraq, and I ended it."
- "I said I'd pass health care reform, and I passed it.
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I'm still creating various scenarios with CNN's electoral vote map. It seems to me Mitt Romney has the more limited paths to victory.
Even if Romney wins Ohio, Virginia, and Florida, given the leanings of the other battleground states, he will need Colorado or New Hampshire to reach 270. He can't lose both. (Added: Changed from saying he needs both.)See map below: [More...]
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Update 11/5: The video has now been viewed 1.8 million times.
Here is the real Mitt Romney. Via the Washington Post, Mitt Romney doesn't like talking about his religion these days, but in 2007, he was quite vocal about it, lecturing a radio host about the principles of his church and his stand on abortion.
His temperament hasn't changed much, it's the Romney attitude we saw at the debates -- Let me talk and it's my way or the highway. [More...]
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Update: Final national poll before election day: WSJ/NBC poll has Obama 48, Romney 47. Here is the actual poll. Voters with a "very positive" view of Obama: 40%. For Romney, only 25%. Who is better prepared to lead the country? Obama 46%, Mitt 42%. I'm not sure how representative the sample is. 37% identified themselves as conservative, to 25% who identified as liberal. 23% are retired, only 4% are unemployed because they can't find a job, 48% have college/post-college/law degrees and 26% earn more than $100k per year.
A new Des Moines Register poll shows President Obama up 5 points. [More...]
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President Obama in Virginia yesterday: It's all up to you.
“It’s up to you. You’ve got the power,” Obama said. “That’s how democracy’s supposed to be.”
Obama in New Hampshire today:
"Part of this election is not about policy. It's also about who do you trust."
And, have faith in me and we'll win.
"I know I look a little bit older, but I've got a lot of fight left in me. I am not ready to give up on the fight," Mr. Obama shouted in a hoarse voice to a crowd of about 14,000 in Concord. "If you're willing to work with me... if you're willing to turn out for me, we'll win New Hampshire, we'll win this election."
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Nate Silver explains Mitt Romney's last-minute push for Pennsylvania. Maybe it's also why President Obama brought Bill Clinton to Virginia yesterday (where 25,000 turned out to cheer them.)
Mr. Romney’s campaign may be thinking about a map like this one, in which he wins Pennsylvania in order to claim 273 electoral votes. If Mr. Romney did so, he could win the presidency despite losing Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa and Nevada.
Mr. Romney could not afford to lose Virginia, where he is narrowly behind in the polling average, or Florida, where he is narrowly ahead. He could also not afford to lose Colorado, unless he won New Hampshire.
President Obama and Bill Clinton were in New Hampshire this morning where 14,000 turned out. CBS says only 10% of NH voters use early voting. [More}
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I posted some electoral college result scenarios here, but I've now whittled them down to three. Obama wins in all three: In his worst case scenario, he wins with 271 electors. The second has him winning with 280. In his best scenario, he wins with 299.
At this point, I think Meatloaf would have to bring his Bats of out of Hell for Romney to win. The maps are below: [More...]
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Mother Jones has a new article on Romney friend and adviser Jay Sekulow, who engaged in a lobbying campaign to criminalize homosexuality and ban abortion in Africa.
Why is this important? Because Sekulow is an activist lawyer and law professor (at Regent University, a Christian law school) and a religious extremist who has argued 12 cases before the Supreme Court. Prominent court journalist Tony Mauro called him "the leading Supreme Court advocate of the Christian right."
Here is Sekulow in his own words describing his conversion to Jews for Jesus, which evolved into his becoming both a board member and general counsel for the evangelical group. After that, he says he formed a new group to fight for evangelicals:
C.A.S.E: Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism. That is what we've named the new organization which will be defending the legal rights of individuals and organizations who are telling the gospel--specifically in issues relating to access, as in parks, college campuses, street corners, and of course, airports. .... [The public] needs to hear the good news about the Messiah, and we must protect our right to tell them.
From the 2012 report, Colonizing African Values: How the Christian Right is Transforming Sexual Politics in Africa: [More...]
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